Graduate Schools

We train researchers and professional people to a high level through advanced education and research. The Graduate School of Humanities, The Graduate School of Contemporary Business, The Graduate School of Nursing and The Graduate School of Health Sciences are for students who want to further their studies at the post-graduate level.

Graduate School of Humanities

The Graduate School of Humanities has the longest history of any of the university's graduate schools, and has accumulated a wealth of education and research in the field of humanities, the subject of its research. The department has two branches: the Department of History and Cultural Properties and Heritage, and the Department of Linguistics and Culture, and has developed education and research with an emphasis on the field of study in each specialty. In April 2017, the Department of History and Culture (Master's and Doctoral Programs) was established. In the field of history and culture, we promote education and research from an interdisciplinary perspective that transcends professional boundaries, aiming to develop individuals capable of responding to contemporary issues. For the doctoral program, we have reorganized history and historical heritage studies as the academic foundation of the program, while building on the systematics of the basic master's degree program.

  • Master's Program in History and Culture
  • Doctoral Program in History and Culture

Graduate School of Contemporary Business

The Graduate School of Contemporary Business aims to nurture individuals who will become indispensable for business in the new era, and who have a vision of the society of the future. The term "business" here refers to a variety of activities conducted by a diverse range of organizations, including corporations, governments, and NPOs, regardless of whether they are for-profit or non-profit. The Department of Management aims to develop individuals who are highly specialized professionals with management skills and who can be highly involved in the future management of companies and government offices, as well as research professionals who can further develop advanced management-related research and planning, including policy-making personnel who can deal with a variety of management issues.

  • Master's Program in Management
  • Doctoral Program in Management

Graduate School of Informatics

The Graduate School of Informatics aims to produce advanced IT professionals in a wide range of industries who will be capable of contributing to solving problems and creating value in society. These individuals will lead the transformation of products, services, and business models by conducting education and research on specialized knowledge and technologies in information and communications and their practical application in society.
To achieve this, the following will be conducted:
(1) Advanced education and research in the fields of AI, software, networks, and computer graphics.
(2) Education related to thinking methods and project management necessary for discovering issues and creating value in the real world.
(3) Collaboration with various fields (medicine, education, and others) to understand the structure of industries and occupations and issues in the real world.
(4) Establishment of practical research themes through corporate collaboration and other means (working graduate students are expected to bring their own work and industry research themes).

  • Master’s Program in Informatics

Graduate School of Nursing

In an ageing society with a declining birthrate and an increasingly complex social environment, people are seeking a richer life, including better health and welfare services. The role of nursing at all levels of health, including health maintenance and promotion, disease prevention, disease recovery, and terminal care, has increased, and it has become clear that the quality of health and welfare people receive depends on the quality of nursing care.

  • Master Program in Nursing Science
  • Doctoral Program in Nursing Science

Graduate School of Health Sciences

The Graduate School of Health Sciences aims to nurture researchers in physical therapy, clinical psychology, psychology, and emergency medical services, who can collaborate to understand, research, and gain practical experience in the mental and physical health of a variety of people, specifically the health and life support of people living in local communities where the birthrate is declining and the population is aging at an accelerated rate. Health science is an area that includes clinical and practical studies that contribute to solving the problems of modern society, supported by basic research in psychology, physical therapy, and emergency medical services. The Department of Health Science (Master's Program) offers four courses: a Physical Therapy Course, a Clinical Psychology Course, a Psychology Course, and an Emergency Medical Services Course, so that students who complete this program will acquire the basic skills to conduct research independently and to verify and improve their own practice. This will promote systematic learning from multiple perspectives related to the mind and body, and aims to develop individuals with a high level of expertise. The Department of Health Sciences (Doctoral Program) aims to further deepen the development of students in the Master's Program and to cultivate researchers, educators, and advanced professionals who can contribute to the protection and improvement of physical and mental health, and the creation of new ways of life by pursuing evidence-based Health Sciences.

  • Master's Program in Health Sciences
  • Doctoral Program in Health Sciences