2024年11月5日(火)から11月9日(土)に札幌コンベンションセンターで行われたアジア太平洋圏の作業療法士が集う国際学会(The 8th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2024)にて、健康科学部 作業療法学科教員5名が研究成果を発表しました。
【The 8th APTOC発表演題】
●木村 天音さん(高畑・由利ゼミ4年生)
Acquiring efficient strategies may improve the working memory: A case series of three young adults.
●堀口 裕都さん (高畑・由利ゼミ4年生)
Current state of the law and public support for young carers in Japan: toward a clarification for challenges that need to be addressed.
Effect of self-management support on the frailty prevention in community-dwelling older adults: A case series of three cases.
Analysis of latent factors underlying perceptions of Indivisuals with dementia and the effects of social resources.
Preliminary research to examine the effects of learning adapted sports on students in the occupational therapy department.
Relationships of Individuals Having a Hospitalized Sibling in Middle or Old Age with Intellectual Disabilities in Connection with Their Families and Surroundings.
Trial of brace therapy focused on the pathological nucleus pulposus movement in cervical disc herniation with myelopathy hand.
(Myelopathy hand(頚髄症手)を示した頸椎椎間板ヘルニアの病的な髄核動態に着目した装具療法の試み)
【The 8th APTOC】